Teaching & Learning
The Centre will ensure that each student receives teaching and learning opportunities to the highest possible standard.
  • Ensuring that all programmes offered by the Centre are relevant and serving the needs of the industry. This will involve a consultation process being undertaken prior to inception and approval by a validating body. This consultation process will consider the appropriateness of the programme for the industry, the opportunities for students to participate in appropriate work experience placements and the relevance of the content and proposed mode of delivery
  • The Centre ensuring that all staff is fully prepared to deliver the sections of the programme for which they are responsible. Schemes of work for all areas of the programmes being produced
  • Course Tutors co-ordinating the delivery of the programme and checking student progress at the regular team meetings and student tutorial sessions
  • Ensuring that, where appropriate, staff are identified for any necessary staff development to help ensure they are able to meet the required standards of delivery
  • Ensuring that the Course Tutor, in consultation with the teaching team, draws up a schedule of assessments and assignments for each programme and carries out monitoring during the progress of the programme, to ensure that the schedules are adhered to
  • Monitoring the quality of assessments through the system of cross-moderation devised by and monitored by the Principal (Quality and Standards)
  • Ensuring that teaching staff are observed by an external assessor and that staff development opportunities are identified
  • All assessors and internal verifiers possessing the appropriate awards as required.
  • Ensuring qualifications offered by the Centre are accepted as valid by an appropriate external body
  • The course team presenting evidence to the external moderators in order to review and improve the programme
  • Seeking the opinions of students on the course through student representatives who attend course team meetings in order to review and improve the programme
Study Skills
  • Encouraging students to develop study skills to enable them to realise their full potential
  • The students being given dedicated sessions during the induction periods at the beginning of the course to assist them to develop the study skills necessary for successful study
  • Discussing with the student any difficulties which become apparent for individual students as the programme progresses, during individual tutorials and an individual action plan being agreed to help that student
  • Arranging for tuition or support to help students overcome any particular learning problem
  • Detailing standards of work expected for each programme, times for completion and return of work set, during the induction period and in the course handbook
Progress Reports
  • Students receiving both oral and written reports and guidance on progress. These being recorded in a personal file
  • Written reports being sent at the end of each term. These reports being completed by the course tutor and/or the course team
  • Copies of any correspondence and a record of any telephone conversations being kept in the students' confidential files, held by the course tutor and/or on central records
  • Conducting annual surveys of the views of students on the effectiveness with which the Centre has carried out its stated aims and objectives and publishing a summary of the survey's findings
  • Continuing to develop and review quality assurance procedures
Academic Enhancement
ILC will ensure that information is provided on the positive approach of the Centre to students with learning difficulties or disabilities. The Centre is committed to ensuring that students with learning difficulties are enabled to integrate as fully as possible into the life and work of the Centre.
  • Helping students identify programmes which are most suitable for their needs from the point of initial contact onwards
  • During the initial interview process, identifying students' learning difficulties or disabilities and appropriate strategies being devised to enable students to derive the maximum possible benefit from the chosen programme
  • All full-time students being assessed in their first year using tests to identify and quantify the level of support required in basic literacy and numeracy
  • Offering appropriate support for students with identified needs, through the following:
    • Individual tutorial support within the Centre
    • Access to internal resource-based learning
    • Advice regarding external support agencies
    • Arranging alternative assessment strategies with relevant examining bodies, to allow maximum opportunities to obtain qualifications, or other outcomes, to which the programme leads
  • Arrangements for access for students with disabilities being identified and appropriate action being taken, where this is reasonably practicable
  • Arranging for the first point of contact for students with additional academic requirements to be the course tutor
The Centre will make available information relating to the performance of students who have attended courses at the Centre.
  • Making available, on request, specific detailed examination results for the Centre
  • Making available, on request, appropriate details of the destinations of Centre leavers for the preceding academic year
  • Making available, on request, copies of the summary of any relevant Inspection report on the Centre and any response made
Guidance and Counselling
The Centre will provide academic and personal guidance and counselling for students at interview, on request, during, and on exit, from programmes.
The Centre will, where necessary, refer a student to a more appropriate or professional agency.

Prior to commencement:
  • Each student receiving guidance on the most suitable programme of study available to meet their requirements, the qualifications to which that course of study can lead, and possible routes of progression after completion of the programme
At commencement students will be provided with:
  • Information on the facilities available at the Centre which are additional to those required for their academic work, for example: catering facilities, accommodation, recreation and sporting facilities.
  • A handbook specific to their programme of study giving details of the content of the programme, members of the course team, timetables, assessment methods, assignment schedules, recording systems, the appeals procedure for academic and practical grading.
  • Joining Instructions and relevant academic requirements, setting out details of the Centre rules of attendance and behaviour, disciplinary and other procedures, health and safety requirements and personal safety arrangements
During the course the Centre will provide guidance and counselling support for the student in the following ways:
  • Providing a tutorial system which offers students the opportunity to discuss and receive help and guidance to deal with personal difficulties, such as money or accommodation, which may be affecting their studies
  • Referring students to specialised counselling support where this is appropriate
  • On request, providing information on how a student might transfer to other appropriate programmes of study
  • The student being assisted to secure guidance as required from other agencies
  • Guidance and information on the scope for continued study on completion of the current programme
  • Providing students with information on possible employment, careers and other opportunities available on completion of the programme