College Regulations
  1. The academic year is divided into two terms according to the particular course.
  2. All fees shall be paid in advance before the first day of each term. Acceptance of a place imposes the obligation to pay the fees for each and every term of the course and that only in exceptional circumstances will withdrawal be permitted before completion of the agreed term, and in such cases students are liable to pay the fees up until the date agreed upon with the college.
  3. If these obligations are not met, the enrolment will be terminated and the fees will be due as per the agreed terms.
  4. No fees are returnable in the case of any students leaving after the beginning of a term for any reason whatsoever.
  5. The college maintains the right to terminate the course of any student who, in the opinion of the Dean of studies, is not making adequate progress.
  6. Any infringement of the ILC General Regulations or of the ILS’s Code of Conduct, will result in a student, at the discretion of the college, being suspended or dismissed from the programme.
The Student Attendance Policy is intended to assist the College to enable our learners to achieve their full potential and also to meet Home Office requirements.

The College is aware of the enormous investment that learners make, both in time and money, in choosing to pursue a course in Further or Higher Education. As a responsible institution, we believe the College has a duty to follow-up promptly on matters of unauthorised absence so that learners can be supported and given every opportunity to succeed. Attendance at all classes at the College is compulsory unless other approved modes of study are authorised by the class lecturer. Learners are required to attend all classes and to take responsibility for their own learning. Learning is a shared experience in which learners are expected to play a full and active part.

Lectures are used to get over material and teaching and to explain and analyse problem situations. Small class groups, i.e. seminars, workshops, case studies, etc. are used to develop the students analytical and critical abilities and to integrate subject areas and deal with difficulties as well as developing their oral presentation skills. Private study and assignments enable students to develop their knowledge and present their work in a written form. Students are also monitored as to how their knowledge of their areas of study is developing and how well they understand the key principles involved as well as ascertaining that they have developed the necessary communication skills and competencies. 

Assessment is mainly based on written assignments and oral presentations. There will be tutorial session to provide feedback in assessment. Students would normally be allowed only one change of course at the end of semester one. A student who does not reach a satisfactory pass standard in an assessment element is allowed to recoup the mark by further work decided upon by the Unit team. After further work of a satisfactory standard a minimum pass mark will be recorded.

Plagiarism, cheating, collusion and attempting to obtain an unfair academic advantage are forms of academic misconduct and are entirely unacceptable for any student. As such, these forms of academic misconduct will be subject to disciplinary regulations. There will be severe action taken in the event of plagiarism and will have a negative impact on the outcome of your course.

Appeal and Grievance
  1. An appeal is normally a request for a decision to be reviewed. It is possible to appeal against the decision of an examination board (an academic appeal) or a decision to impose a penalty, normally through the disciplinary procedure (non-academic appeal). The grounds on which an appeal may be made are normally quite tightly defined.
  2. A complaint does not normally relate to a decision made. It may relate to an aspect of your experiences as a student at the college, or a service which you were led to expect but feel you did not receive. Again, a complaint may relate to academic matters (such as teaching or supervision) or to non-academic matters.
  3. A grievance always relates to matters affecting relations with other students or staff. You can use the grievance procedure if you believe that you have been unfairly treated by a member of staff or another student, or have suffered mistreatment from them, which you believe to be harassment, bullying or professional misconduct.
Agents at the ILC are very carefully chosen and kept in constant contact and are asked to guide the students in selection of an appropriate course according to their academic suitability and level of English.

The ILC is in constant screening and vetting of students and only select those students who are genuinely coming to UK for studies.

All the payments should be made in the name of ILC and agents are not obliged to receive the fee in their name.